Lt. Derek Alan Dutton

(S/N 6827201/ 113480)

Lt. Derek Alan Dutton, formerly of the Honourable Artillery Company (Infantry) and 4th Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment, South Wales Borderers, served with No.6 Commando from 1st July 1943.

Prt. Derek Dutton (S/N 6827201), a ‘Meat Purveyor’ by registered trade, enlisted on 19th June 1939 and was sent on 13th November 1939 to the 169th OTU (Oudenarde Barracks, Aldershot) for initial officer training.  Having completed the officer selection course he was posted on 14th January 1940 to 4th Battalion Monmouthshire Regiment, South Wales Borderers as a 2/Lt. (S/N 113480).

Following a two-month admission to hospital for Rheumatic Fever, on 17th June 1940 he was described by his OC as “lacks self-confidence and enthusiasm. He does not appear amenable to discipline and is very casual in his attitude towards his superiors” and was consequently ordered back to 169th OTU for a further two-months of officer training from 19th July 1940.

He was promoted to substantive Lieutenant on 14th July 1941 and became the Brigade Intelligence Officer at HQ 113th Infantry Brigade on 1st November 1941. Tiring of this role after nearly two years in the post he requested transfer to ‘Special Service’ on 25th February 1943 and was accepted in April 1943. However, at the request of OC 113th Infantry Brigade he had his transfer deferred until he had finished running a training course.

Derek was Wounded in Action (WIA) on 6th June 1944 at Brevile-les-Monts, Normandy, France with ‘gun shot wounds’ to his left chest and was evacuated back to the UK. Whilst being treated in Southampton Borough General Hospital he died from his wounds, aged 24 years. He was the son of Charles Frederick and Dorothy Isobel Dutton, of Purley, Surrey. Derek was laid to rest in Pontypridd Crematorium (Glamorganshire, Wales, UK) Panel L.H.
