TSM. Walter "Lofty" Rae MM

(S/N 2754334)

Sgt. Walter “Lofty” Rae, formerly of the South Staffs Regiment and a reservist in the Black Watch, served in No.3 Troop of No.6 Commando from at least October 1942.

He was recommended by Lt-Col. Derek Mills-Roberts for a Military Medal on 5th March 1943 for his action during the Battle of Steamroller Farm at Fedi et Attia on 26th February 1943.

The citation reads:

‘Sgt. Rae was a member of a Troop 46 strong (sic. No.2 Troop). Which was ordered to attack and hold a hill held by a Company of the Herman Goering Jaeger regiment.  The fact that this difficult task was so successfully carried out and such heavy losses inflicted on the enemy was largely due to the discipline and inspiration instilled into the men by Sgt. Rae’s fine leadership and complete personal disregard for danger.  During the whole of the action which lasted six hours he constantly urged his men to greater efforts by his own fine example and never failing aggressiveness.’

Mills-Roberts noted that he always wore his ‘Black Watch’ red hackle under his ‘South Staffs’ cap badge attached to his green beret when in combat. It is noted that he was the TSM of No.3 Troop on D-Day.

It is noted that during the rearming, retraining and reinforcing in the UK from September 1944 to January 1945, TSM Walter “Lofty” Rae left No.3 Troop to be replaced by TSM Mawbay, being posted to the Holding Operation Commando (HOC) at Wrexham, Wales.
