Tpr. John "Titch" Siddeway

(S/N 4290078)

Tpr. John “Titch” Siddeway served with No.6 Commando from, at least, November 1942.

Tpr. John “Titch” Siddeway was recommended for a Military Medal by Lt-Col. Derek Mills-Roberts following the Battle of Steamroller Farm on 26th February 1943 .  The citation reads:

‘During the action between NO.VI Commando and a Battalion of Herman Goering Jaeger Regiment Trp. Siddeway was Capt. Robinson’s runner. He maintained contact between two Troops whilst under constant MG and mortar fire and moved across ground devoid of cover with complete disregard for his own safety. His outstanding devotion to duty coupled  with his excellence in carrying numerous verbal messages was beyond praise.’

He is mentioned as having served in No.1 Troop of No.6 Commando as the Troop Runner on D-Day and as having been seriously wounded during the abortive action by No.1 Troop to reinforce the No.4 Commando lines.   
